Homeschool and dance class registration open!
Homeschool and dance class registration open!
This summer, we are offering Wednesday night dance classes that will focus on different dance styles each night and 2 technique and acro intensives! These are open to dancers ages 7-18 (as of the day of the class). Elevate Dance Company members are highly encouraged to join these classes and workshops, but you do not have to be in Elevate to join! Sign up for these at the button below!
These Wednesday night dance classes are open to dancers to practice dance and technique! These classes will focus on the specified styles for each night with a focus on strength/conditioning and across-the-floor work. Each Wednesday night class will run from 5:00-8:00pm. Preregistration cost is $15. Drop-in cost is $20. Drop-in is cash or check only, in a labeled envelope!
7/10: Jazz and Contemporary
7/17: Acro and Hip-Hop
7/24: Lyrical and Musical Theater
7/31: Acro, Contemporary, and Hip-Hop
8/7: Tap, Jazz, and Acro
8/14: Tap, Hip-Hop, and Contemporary
8/21: Tap, Jazz, and Musical Theater
These dance intensives will run from 9am-12pm each day! They will center around dance technique and acro with a focus on ballet and jazz technique, flexibility and strength, acro/contortion skills, and different style combinations to keep picking up choreo. Preregistration and $175 payment is required for the intensives.
Please make sure to wear athletic clothes and bring the appropriate dance shoes (ie. tap shoes for tap class, ballet shoes for ballet class, etc.). We do have water coolers on campus, but please bring a full water bottle that you can later refill at the water coolers.
If you have any questions about our 2024 summer dance season, please email Director of Dance, Jess Newsome, at